Mondolfo Ferro AS922 og 944
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135.957 kr. með VSK
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Bandsög PILOUS m. stillanl. niðurfærslu
934.607 kr. með VSK
Aðstoð-athuga lýsingu
460.743 kr. með VSK
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Vörunúmer: 8-11100451
Flokkur: Sexkantar
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Hillusamstæða C45ProBPX Ryðfríplata NÝ
441.056 kr. með VSK
C45PROBX M5+M7 +gatapl+eitt bil laust Workbenches for workshop equipment combination C45PRO Combination comprising: • Stainless steel coated MDF worktop (C45PX/3-2.0MT)
TORX sett 8 stk T9-T40
11.654 kr. með VSK
97 RTX/SC8 set of 8 offset key wrenches for Tamper Resistant Torx® head screws (item 97RTX) with support T9-T10-T15-T20-T25 T27-T30-T40